Italy’s blue mozzarella cheese mystery

Italian police confiscated some 70,000 balls of mozzarella in Turin after consumers noticed the milky-white cheese quickly developed a bluish tint when the package was opened, authorities said Saturday. Agriculture Minister Giancarlo Galan ordered ministry laboratories to investigate what he called a “disturbing” development. State TV said a woman in Turin called police after noticing […]

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Stars who had kids later in life

Rod Stewart Rod Stewart and his wife Penny Lancaster — pictured with his kids Kimberly, Sean, Ruby, and Liam — are expecting their second baby just before Penny’s 40th birthday. The new addition to the family will be the 65-year-old rocker’s seventh child. Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson, with son Raymond and daughter Lorraine, was 55 […]

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8 Fun Moves That Firm All Over

I pack a lot into my days, so I adore anything that does double-duty, whether it’s foundation that actually helps my skin instead of just camouflaging blemishes or a watch so bright and fun, it’s practically a bracelet. This multitasking approach applies to my workouts, too. I gravitate toward moves that target more than one […]

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Calorie Data to Be Posted at Most Chains

Buried deep in the health care legislation that President Obama signed on Tuesday is a new requirement that will affect any American who walks into a McDonald’s, Starbucks or Burger King. Every big restaurant chain in the nation will now be required to put calorie information on their menus and drive-through signs. In other words, […]

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2-Minute Tricks That Beat Stress

The next time you’re having a bad day (or week or month) take heart: you can perk up your mood quickly and simply. According to experts, life circumstances account for only 10% of happiness. Half depends on your genetic “set point,” which is kind of like the weight your body bounces back to after a […]

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Infant Deaths Prompt Gov’t Warning

The government warned Friday that those chic baby slings that hip moms and dads are sporting these days can be dangerous, even deadly for their little ones. The Consumer Product Safety Commission said it has investigated at least 13 deaths associated with sling-style infant carriers over the last 20 years, including three deaths last year. […]

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What Your Face Reveals

What do you see when you look in the mirror? According to Chinese medicine, your face is a window to your health. Your forehead, nose, chin, right cheek, left cheek: Each of these five face zones gives you clues to what is going on inside your body–if you know what to look for! Read on […]

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8 Foods that Fight Stress

Chow down on eats that tame hunger and reduce anxiety Eat It to Beat It We all know that tension can wreak havoc on our eating patterns. But the right (healthy!) foods can often help tame mindless munching and cravings and, better yet, actually lower overall anxiety and its symptoms. Eight of our favorites: Dark […]

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101 Small Pleasures

Earlier in the week when we talked about the habits of happy people, many of you mentioned the small pleasures you enjoy that are worth more than anything money can buy, like walking on the beach and flying paper airplanes with your children. Since one of the key tenets of happiness is being able to […]

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H1N1 Flu Self-Evaluation

This is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for evaluation and treatment by a healthcare professional. This self-assessment information does not capture identifiable information in any manner. Are you or a loved one sick and worried you might have H1N1 Flu? During flu season this year, you might […]

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